25PP is a third party app store for iOS devices. You can download all the popular and paid apps form this app store for absolutely free. The previous versions of the 25PP app required jailbreak to run but now with the latest iOS versions jailbroken apps are highly unstable so they had to create an app that can run on all iOS devices without jailbreak, you do not necessarily need a jailbroken iOS device to run this app.
You can download loads of free apps from this third party app store. Apple devices rocking iOS version 10.3 can run this app store on their devices hassle free. You can download hacked or tweaked apps as well from this third party app store. 25PP is also useful if some app is restricted in your country or region, the app will not be available on your device from Official App Store but you can download it using the 25PP app store for free and get regular updates.
25PP app is in Chinese so you will need to use a translator to figure out the meaning of in app options but other than that it is a great third party app store for any iOS device that you can get for free. Previously the 25PP was available on the official App Store but it was removed but you can still download it on your iOS device by following the below given method.
Download 25PP for iOS
- Open Safari browser on your desired iOS device.
- Download the app.
- Tap blue download button and click “Install” when you see the installation dialogue box pop up.
- Enter your password if required and tap on “Install” again and then tap on “Done” to finish.
- Open 25PP app from home screen and now you can record your screen with this app!
If you’ve a Jailbroken device you can also add “http://apt.25pp.com/” to Cydia source and install the app.
Note: If it prompts “Untrusted Entreprise Developer” then go to Settings -> General -> Device Management -> BaoDing BaiDuo Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd -> Trust.

Note to Developers: APKxiOS serves solely as a free resource website. If you are the owner of any app/context and believe we've violated any of your policy, feel free to contact us we will remove it as soon as possible.