AirShou is a popular screen recording app for iOS device which let you record the iOS screen without even Jailbreaking your device. It let users to record the screen in HD with stereo sound quality. It is very easy to use app with lots of amazing features.
The app requires you to tap the play button to start recording your screen. AirShou is fully secure to download on iOS devices as it properly scanned from all type of viruses and errors. Moreover, it does not require iOS device to be Jailbroken in order to successfully work on iOS devices. It is compatible with almost all the iOS devices.
Download Links:
airshou_ios.plist (12 MB)
Mr. B
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AirShou iOS
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Note to Developers: APKxiOS serves solely as a free resource website. If you are the owner of any app/context and believe we've violated any of your policy, feel free to contact us we will remove it as soon as possible.