FlekStore is one of the prominent app installer available for users and is considered the best substitute of Cydia app store. It was released for Jailbroken devices but now it works on both android and iOS devices (non-Jailbroken).
It is amazingly user-friendly app store which is really easy to use and require almost no efforts to understand the structure. All the apps available on the Flekstore are properly categorized, organized, and sorted which helps the users to easily look for their app. It comes handy for the developers as it let the developers to add their own app. User can use the search bar to look for their favorite apps.
Note: FlekStore APK for Android has not been officially released yet.
Mr. B
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FlekStore APK
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Note to Developers: APKxiOS serves solely as a free resource website. If you are the owner of any app/context and believe we've violated any of your policy, feel free to contact us we will remove it as soon as possible.
Note to Developers: APKxiOS serves solely as a free resource website. If you are the owner of any app/context and believe we've violated any of your policy, feel free to contact us we will remove it as soon as possible.