BB Rec is available for all iOS devices for absolutely free of cost. BB Rec can be installed on iPhone, iPad and iPod that are running on iOS version 9.0, iOS 9.01, iOS 10.0 and higher. Read the below given step by step process to download the app for your iOS device. BB Rec works great with right out of the box iOS devices too, you do not necessarily need a jail broken device to use it.
Most of the iOS users struggle to record their screen because apple does not have any dedicated app for this function. Being able to record your screen in a smart phone or tablet lets you make useful videos, informative content that you can also use for YouTube and that is why you should try out the latest screen record app. BB Rec is a free screen recording app for iOS users. BB Rec has a very simple user interface that lets you record videos easily on your iOS device without much hassle.
BB Rec gives you plenty of great features to make your recorded footage look more appealing. You can chose the orientation of the resulting video, either horizontal or vertical. You can chose the frame rate of the video being recorded in the BB Rec app menu. The app lets you chose the resolution of the video being recorded and you can go as high as full high definition which is great if you are creating content for YouTube.
Download BB Rec for iOS
- Open safari on your desired apple device and open this exact URL.
- Download .ipa File.
- Phone settings will open automatically, tap on “Install”
- You may be asked to enter your password. Tap “Install“ again and tap on “Done” to finish installation.
- Open BB Rec and start recording!
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